Welcome to
We are the content specialists for mobility and technology. As an owner-managed agency based south of Stuttgart, we can count on almost 40 years of experience when it comes to creative and target group-oriented communication in these areas.

Complex topics and tasks are our cup of tea. We offer a journalistic approach and a great deal of editorial and organizational know-how. From our beginnings as an editorial office for motorcycle topics, we have developed into a broad-based specialist agency for the fields of technology, automotive, motorcycles, mobility and logistics – with a team of 17 highly motivated and experienced employees.
How we work
We define ourselves through exciting content for all channels, appropriately designed for every audience – from social media posts to print publications, from press releases to technical articles, from workshops to trade fair booths. As a partner for our customers, we are as nice as we are self-confident and critical. Not only do we know a great deal about our industries, but we also always keep an eye on trends and developments in the relevant media. We tackle things in the truest sense of the word and solve the tasks – with brains and drive. In short: Your communication needs are in good hands with us.
Our team
Can an agency have character? We think so. All it takes is a well-coordinated team of bright minds with very different backgrounds – be they historians, linguists or chemists. Many colleagues have been with the company for more than ten years. The combination of this experience and the fresh perspective of our newcomers results in creative ideas and efficiency almost by itself. You can become part of DIE WORTWERKSTATT, too!
Achim Neuwirth
Senior Consultant Content & PR
Andrea Wanke
Senior Consultant Content & PR
Andreas Neemann
Senior Consultant Content & PR
Arnd von de Fenn
Senior Consultant Content & PR
Dirk Armbruster
Senior Consultant Production & Events
Gwen Armbruster
Managing Director
Heike Sauter
Helga Fundinger
Lars Weitbrecht
Consultant Content & PR
Marie-Anne Soyez
Consultant Content & PR / Graphic Design
Melanie Ertle-Palm
Assistant to the Management
Michael Hambrecht
Senior Consultant Production & Events
Sven Peters
Senior Consultant Content & PR
Tanja Cukalac
Senior Consultant Content & PR
Teresa Sümnick
Junior Consultant Content & PR
Tilman Schäfer
Managing Director
Agency insights
Between the university town of Tübingen and the city of Reutlingen, not far from the automotive and technology center of Stuttgart, our agency home in Kusterdingen offers a modern and creative working environment in the middle of greenery with a view of the hills of the Schwäbische Alb. Whether it’s a midday ice cream at the agency pond, a coffee break in our casino or an after-work drink together: Between client projects and brainstorming appointments, we always find time for discussion or a chat.