
Sustainability report including communications campaign for Yazaki EMEA

Our services at a glance:

  • Concept for the sustainability report
  • Project management
  • Creation and editing of texts
  • Graphic design of the report
  • Production of the print publication
  • Concept and implementation of the social media campaign

With over 50,000 employees working in 19 countries at more than 24 locations, Yazaki EMEA is an international automotive supplier of considerable size. As a European subsidiary of the world’s leading automotive supplier Yazaki, headquartered in Japan, sustainability is deeply rooted in the company’s DNA. Given this dimension, it is not surprising that the sustainability report plays a prominent role in providing transparency about the company’s environmental and social performance.
In accordance with international standards for sustainability reporting, in particular the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Yazaki EMEA provides a comprehensive insight into its vision, values and activities in the areas of environment, social affairs and corporate governance.

The project

The Yazaki EMEA Sustainability Report 2024 in figures




versions – online and printed



An appealing presentation by DIE WORTWERKSTATT

Yazaki EMEA commissioned DIE WORTWERKSTATT to create the sustainability report. It needed to be informative and visually compelling in order to present the automotive supplier’s environmental and social activities in an attractive way.
We supported our client from the initial concept to the final publication of the report. Working closely with the Yazaki EMEA sustainability team, we identified and structured the relevant topics, data and stories. We developed a consistent storyline that presents the company’s sustainability strategy, challenges and successes. When creating the text, we placed particular emphasis on clear, understandable language. We designed the report in a modern layout that reflects the visual identity of Yazaki EMEA.

Comprehensive and transparent information for target groups

The result is a comprehensive sustainability report that presents the key ESG aspects clearly and transparently. To ensure that the messages reach the right target groups, we also went one step further. Among other things, we developed a year-round social media campaign that presents the sustainability topics in a variety of ways and raises the sustainable profile of Yazaki EMEA.
The outcome? Positive feedback from both internal and external stakeholders, who praised the quality and clarity of the report.

Additional references

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