An all-inclusive

Ceremony, Chronicle, Exhibition and Communication for the 100th Anniversary of Reich

Our Services:

  • Consulting and conceptual design of anniversary activities
  • Text and editing for various media channels and formats
  • Art direction, design and layout
  • Production of printed products, exhibition and giveaways, video production
  • Event planning and management, event direction

Reich, based in Mellrichstadt, is one of Germany’s hidden champions when it comes to manufacturing complex turned parts for customers in the automotive industry. In 2019, the 100th anniversary of the family-owned company was coming up. This major anniversary was also to be celebrated in a major way. But not with the usual program: no boring speeches, no mind-numbing recitation of dry historical data. Our clients had clear expectations: “We are proud of what we have achieved. We want something bold and extraordinary, but at the same time down-to-earth and in line with who we are. We want to express appreciation and gratitude to all who are with us as part of our history.”

The Project

Approaching the anniversary year conceptionally by playing on words

Two years before the anniversary, we had already started with the first preparations. At DIE WORTWERKSTATT, we work with language every day. We liked our client’s company name – and the many ways its other meaning in German allowed us to combine it with positive statements: ErfolgREICH, FacettenREICH, TraditionsREICH, GenussREICH… (rich in success, rich in aspects, rich in tradition, rich in enjoyment


We chose this sequence of words as a guide for generating ideas about content and design for all anniversary activities. Based on that, we developed a key visual for the anniversary year, revised the company history on the website, wrote copy for the employee magazine and an extensive press kit for local media representatives. Three major anniversary projects took center stage:

SeitenREICH – the book

Instead of a “classic commemorative publication,” we designed a colorful, journalistic kaleidoscope. The focus lay on people, their memories, emotions and experiences, as well as insights into the company’s history, which is closely linked to East-West German history. We traveled to the Rhön region, scoured city and company archives, took photographs, conducted interviews, collected facts and snapshots. We wrote the copy, laid out the layout and ensured perfect technical execution during the on-site print approval.

TraditionsREICH – the exhibition

Working together with company management and an architectural firm, we planned the conversion of a historic brick building on the Reich company premises in Mellrichstadt into a modern, modular museum and showroom. We designed a two-part exhibition based on a flexible, mobile display system so that the whole structure could later be shown at different locations, supplemented by exhibits from 100 years of history.

ErlebnisREICH – the festive act

As the crowning highlight of Reich’s 100th anniversary, we designed a somewhat different festive evening. With a host, interviews and talk rounds. With a hip jazz quartet from the local high school. With video clip highlights from 100 years. With a live performance by an artist who painted a portrait of the senior boss (who happens to be a Lindenberg collector) set to a medley by German musician Udo Lindenberg. All this in the dignified town hall of Mellrichstadt – which we had already transformed the day before into an appropriate festive location with professional media, sound and lighting technology, appealing furniture and decoration. We also took over the invitation management, coordinated on-site technology and catering, and kept an eye on all processes and timing as part of event management. And at dawn, we personally chauffeured the last guests back to their hotel.

“We surprised people across the board, especially with the party and the book. As a family business, we did not expect to be able to do that in such a rather conservative environment.”

Nina and André Reich

Managing directors, Reich GmbH

Further References

HĂ€ndler-Newsletter Pirelli auf Tablet

Round rubber – performance made

Public relations and newsletter editing for motorcycle tire brands Pirelli and Metzeler

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Wortwerkstatt_ZF Tech Days_01

Innovations up Close

Event management, Public Relations and editorial work for the “Technology Days” event of ZF Friedrichshafen AG

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Promoting #MobilityLifeBalance

Research, editorial content, social media, public relations, event management for ZF Friedrichshafen AG’s #MobilityLifeBalance campaign.

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Wortwerkstatt_EFD Perspektive_01

A fresh „Perspektive“

Internal communications for Emil Frey Deutschland

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24-Stunden-Rennen auf dem NĂŒrburgring

24 hours of excitement

Public relations management, event organization and on-site support for Recaro Automotive at the 24 Hours NĂŒrburgring race

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Wortwerkstatt_ZF Corporate Publishing_01

Corporate Publishing for internal and external channels

Editorial support for the ZF Friedrichshafen AG corporate magazine “vision” and employee newspaper “we>move”

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Wortwerkstatt_Reich JubilÀum_01

An all-inclusive corporate anniversary

Ceremony, Chronicle, Exhibition and Communication for the 100th Anniversary of Reich

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Corporate Publishing fĂŒr B2B: Kundenmagazin HOERBIGER@motion // Customer magazine HOERBIGER@motion

Technology and business clearly and concisely communicated

Editorial work and content conception for yearbook, company magazine and online presences of Hoerbiger Holding AG

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Wortwerkstatt_Keiper Buch_01

A Historical Document

Concept, editorial work, layout, and production of the chronicle of Keiper GmbH & Co. KG

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The famous blank canvas

Relaunch for motorcycle heritage brand Horex – from logo to press event

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